Monthly Strava Activity Wheel

Monthly Activity WheelEver since I saw this visualisation of the 2013 Giro d’Italia route last year I’ve wanted to emulate that view, dynamically on my Strava data and luckily for you guys, let you use it too. Once I’d got my head around the maths for drawing the profiles on an arc then the rest quickly took shape. Isn’t maths fun!

Once your data is on VeloViewer then you will see a new “Wheel” tab.  Selecting this then allow you to view all your activities on a wheel grouped by month.  Rides are orange, runs are blue and other activity types are green:

Activity Wheel

Clicking on any of the activities spins the wheel round and the map for the selected activity is then provided in the centre.

The URL updates when you choose a month so you can easily share a specific link to your data as long as your data is set to public in the VeloViewer options.

The view should scale down well onto mobile devices too so check that out (but make sure you’ve got a quick/free data connection).

Current bugs

  • An issue with iOS when you rotate the device, the map doesn’t reposition for some reason so you have to refresh the page.
  • Text gets clips for shorter activities. More of a feature than a bug and I don’t think there is anything I can do about it!
  • When using Chrome the text is a bit choppy. It looks much smoother in all other browsers.

Future enhancements?

  • Summary “wedge” with corresponding summary map of all the included activities.
  • Specific date ranges/activity types.

Let me know other bugs you find and any other ideas you have.

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