Train like Wiggins, ditch the power, use the VAM

My Time - Bradley WigginsI’m currently multi-tasking my late night baby feeding with reading “My Time” by Bradley Wiggins and was interested to read the following:

“The data we had been working on for road racing in 2012 was not power output or speed, but VAM. The average VAM for a big climb on the Tour in 2010 was 1,530-1,600: 1,530 on Plateau de Beille, 1600 on l’Alpe d’Huez.”

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Your new, personalised, Strava statistics forum signature image

Signature Image

By far the most hits I get on VeloViewer are from the many on-line forums out there and primarily from the signature images that people like to use. Every forum seems to be different of what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of signature images so I’ve done my best to accommodate all the variations that people might want to use, it is down to you though to use an acceptable configuration for your forums. The latest version of the signature image addresses a number of issues raised by these users.

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Position Score – the Column Formerly Known as Position Percentile

Segment StatsYour leaderboard positions on Strava segments can be a bit of a badge of honour but the significance of each of those positions can vary wildly. If you are 6th placed out of 3000 riders then that is pretty good going but 1st place out of just 2 riders is less so. In steps an suggestion from a forum to include a position percentile column and corresponding graphs, a few minutes later and the first incarnation of the position percentile appeared.

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