This is my to-do list for VeloViewer, mainly so I don’t forget what people have asked for. The odd suggestion that excites me might jump the queue but basically this is the priority of what I’m doing when I get time.
- Updates to Ride Details:
- Speeds in graphs
- Time spent at each speed
- Average speed at each gradient
- Store order and paging settings between visits (segment and ride lists)
- Updates to signature image:
- Target yearly distance.
- Best VAM, RP by climb category (e.g. HC: 1076/3.91, 1st: 661/2.44, 2nd: 1139/4.17, 3rd: 1776/5.68, 4th: 2104/6.57).
- Completed challenge badges
- Commute and calories burnt column for rides
- Last ridden column on segments
- Filters on the Segment List page
- Filters on the Ride List page
- Hide unwanted segments.
- Resizing of columns in tables
- View your (kom/all/filtered) segments on a map
- Add mean and standard deviation (or median?) to summary charts
- Compare 2 of your own, identical rides (including segments).
- Time gap to next position up leaderboard.
- Time gap and date of last change of person immediately below in leaderboard. Has anyone recently just failed to take your KOM.
- Add the total number of times the context rider has ridden on each segment in list. – not going to be easy this one so pushing down the list.
- Club totals.
- Location awareness so the segment list can be ordered by those segments closest to where you are.
- V3 of Strava API.
- Running. I haven’t used Strava for running (yet) so not sure what makes sense to do. I will certainly look into it though (waiting for V3 Strava API).
- Heartrates (waiting for V3 Strava API) + training zones.
- QOM (waiting for V3 Strava API).
- Strava club leaderboards including embed code for external sites.
- VeloFlow a selection of your own rides with an option to zero the start times.
Why comparison of your data with other riders isn’t on the list…
This one crops up enough in your suggestions to warrant an explanation here. One of the conditions to using the Strava API is very likely to be that I am not to display any data from people who haven’t given me explicit authority to do so. The agreed exception to this is the KOM times (and the calculated KOM VAM and Relative Power values). My full implementation of the changes required for this will need to wait until the release of Strava’s V3 of their API (set for the new year I believe).
What this means for you users is:
- You will be required to authenticate (login) to a Strava provided login box to authorise VeloViewer to access your data (similar to what sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google do).
- This authentication will be required before getting the ability to add yourself to VeloViewer or to gain access to your data if you are already on the system. (You will no longer have to find your Strava Id, I’ll be able to get that from Strava automatically when you authenticate)
- An option will be provided for you to check a box to say that you don’t mind your data being publically available. This means you will be able to:
- Access your data without having to logon via the Strava authentication (although I should be able to use a “remember me” type option for those not wanting to logon each time but not share their data publically).
- Provide other people access to your data by sharing your links.
- Use the Signature Image functionality.
- Anyone who knows your Strava Id could view your data on VeloViewer if they know how to write the necessary URL.
This restriction will make the comparison of other riders a bit of a non-starter. The only feasible option would be to allow for comparisons between other riders that are on VeloViewer and chosen to share their data publically. I’ll have to wait for the V3 API to be available before dong any of this though.
I will try to add some more key stats into the “Stats” area on the Segment List page (and Signature Image) that you can compare with your mates a bit easier. You will need to sort out your segment’s bad elevation data though as this will have a pronounced effect on these stats (see below)