Introducing VeloViewer PRO✚

Who doesn’t want more power? Now with VeloViewer PRO membership you get all the bits you already know and love but with no “refresh limits” on your Update and Rivals page….all for £20 a year!  With PRO there is no need to wait before you can check all of your segment placings, find any newly created segments and see how your Rivals are fairing. It also gives you the opportunity to show your extended support for the site by paying that little bit more than the standard PRO rate. NOTE: there are no changes to what is available to PRO users now or in the future as a result of this 🙂

  • Standard PRO – £10 per year
  • PRO – £20 per year

Main benefits of PRO

  • Check all of your segment placings at any time (standard PRO users can only recheck a segment position approximately once a week).
  • Check for new segments for all of your activities at any time (standard PRO users have a similar restriction as described above).
  • Refresh your Rivals whenever you like (once again, standard PRO users can only do this once a week)
  • Early access to new, beta functionality.
  • Get a high 5 from me down the pub for supporting the running of the site.

I plan to further develop the PRO offer, these developments are likely to focus on the timing or frequency of using functionality rather than the development of exclusive PRO features although early access to areas of new beta functionality will also be available.

0 thoughts on “Introducing VeloViewer PRO✚

  • I’ve you could make an Android app, I would subscribe for pro. Currently I’ve got some spare change on my android account which I would spent on veloview (if it was available).

    • P,

      Download the app ‘Strava Flyby and Veloviewer’ from the Play Store. Getting into the Veloviewer part is a bit odd…

      Open the Strava app and go on a random segment in one of your rides, then share with ‘Strava Flyby and Veloviewer’. Click on the menu and your profile and now you’re essentially on a nice app version of Veloviewer!

      • I take it in Android you can just pin your VeloVIewer Summary page to your home screen and it will run in just the same way? Not sure why wrapping it up in an App would improve the experience. This is all I do on iOS so VeloViewer is just a button on the main menu alongside Twitter/Facebook/etc.
        Building dedicated Android and iOS apps would be better but all of my effort it spent on extending and supporting the website.
        I also noticed that recently an iOS app was rejected from the App store by Apple due to some technicality around the Strava OAuth login screen. That makes me nervous about going down that route too.

      • Noted this answer is 6 years old now and the app mentioned doesn’t appear to be in the play store any more.
        Is there another android app that lets you use veloviewer more easily on mobile?

        • The site is responsive so will scale down to phones. Just add it to your home screen from Chrome and then it’ll run without the browser Chrome (as a web app). That is the way the pro teams use the Live app which I provide them for the team car. It is just a web-app.

    • I had my API rate limits raised quite considerably earlier this year so not so much of an issue any more. We’ll see, if it does start to become an issue then I might have to revisit the logic but the PRO+ users will still get to refresh more often.

  • If I renew now at Pro, and later discover that I’m running up against the limits of Pro (I’d never noticed them before), do I get to upgrade later for an extra £10 (or some pro-rata version thereof)?

    • If you’ve not noticed the limits of PRO up until now then you probably won’t notice them going forwards. There may well be some early access to a few things down the line for PRO+ users though.

  • Can’t beat a beat of Pro+ to keep you going on the long rides. I’m pleased to be a patron. Cheers for all you do. Excellent work.

  • Just renewed my subscription and although I didn’t go ‘plus’ I wanted to say thanks for all the time and effort that clearly goes into your site. Will continue to spread the word. Chapeau Ben!

  • Hi Ben, You obviously have the brain the size of a planet to get it all working together smoothly! Really motivational and super support when tweaks are required. Love the high 5 reason as well – humour in business is welcome in this office. I’ve renewed the pro+ and it’s still a bargain.

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