For a long time the main missing element on VeloViewer has been a ride details page. Well, not any more. Very much a version 1 so expect lots of changes based on some things I still want to add and any feedback/requests you guys want to give me. For now though, view each of your rides’ stats, interactive map, elevation charts (including the gradient histogram – distance travelled at each gradient) and lists of all segments covered (on a secondary tab).
I’ll put together a more in depth post about what all the bits are about but for now try out:
- Pressing the play button or dragging the slider under the map to see the blue blob (you) making you’re way around the route. Corresponding markers on elevation profiles.
- Hover your mouse over the “PR’s on this ride” and “Other PR’s” lists (the colourful numbers at the top of the “Ride Stats” section) and see the segments overlaid on the map. Clicking/tapping these navigates you to the corresponding Segment Details page.
- Click the “Segments” tab to see a full list of all the segments covered on the ride with current placings (rather than the placings at time of upload), direct links to Velo Flow and RaceShape as well as the usual stats.
You can get to the Ride Details page from anywhere you see a ride’s name shown as a link:
- Segments List.
- Rides List.
- Segment Details – History tab.
- Update – newly added rides.
Things I’m keen to add:
- When hovering over the segment PR’s list on the Details page then highlight them on the elevation charts as well as on the map.
- Display speed graph (heart rate and power data not available in Strava API).
I’m sure you guys will have lots of good ideas too so check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments section or via email.
Hugoz says:
Hi Ben,
Nice job. You may consider reducing the number of decimals shown on gradient & elevation graphs (more than 10 decimals currently displayed…)
So many updates recently. There is still this issue on improved duration on existing KOM showing in veloviewer as new segment. Any chance to look at it? Will appreciate. Thanks
Ben says:
Sorted the placings. Sorry, lost that bug in amongst a bunch of emails. I think I may have fixed but really don’t have an easy way to test it. How do you fancy beating one of your KOM’s for me and trying it out? 🙂
Hugoz says:
Thanks Ben for the decimals. Gradient distance graph is reminding me something similar delivered by ridewithgps : Time spent at each speed & Average grade at each speed. You may consider…
For the KOM fix, will keep you updated. Thanks again
Hugoz says:
Hi Ben,
During the ride tonight I have improved the KOM duration but it is still reported on veloviewer as new segment:
Ben says:
Thanks for beating a KOM for me 🙂 I can see why that would happen but it will be a bit of a pain to resolve, It’s better than it not telling you anything about that segment I suppose. I’ve added it to the known issues.
William S. Godfrey says:
Is this feature gone now?
Ben says:
I’m afraid until I’ve got time to migrate it over to the new Strava API’s it is back to being the missing link again! It will come back though, I just can’t tell you when as yet.