Due to almost unexpected popularity of the VeloViewer site, the complexity of it’s content and the constant trickle feed of new features I thought I would set up a more formal place to document what is going on and how things work so you can make best use of what’s already there and discover the new stuff.
I’ll try and work through the various areas of the VeloViewer site and explain what everything means. Check out the categories list on the right for a (hopefully) more structured view of the posts.
Post a comment if there is anything specific you want me to cover off sooner rather than later.
David Stammers says:
Love the site 😀 <3
badger says:
I love veloviewer, spend almost as much time on it as I do riding…
One feature I’d love is to be able to update a ride, as I had a couple of segments matched that I didn’t ride (I turned off and rode somewhere else then came back) but those really really slow times are now trapped in veloviewer, even though they have been removed from strava.
keep up the good work.
Ben says:
So have you deleted your ride from Strava or updated it somehow (deleted, edited GPS data and re-uploaded)? Deleted rides should now automatically be deleted when you add new rides or check for new segments. Can you email me with an example ride & segment id’s along with your strava id and I’ll look into it?
badger says:
I actually raised a ticket with Strava, and they removed those segments from the ride. May be a very small percentage thing.
Ian Hoffman says:
Great site! Since I started playing with Strava this last summer I’d been looking for a way to see all the local segments that I’ve ridden. VV gives me that and so much more. Today is a threshold/spring training day so just this morning I’m looking at what segments I’m closest to #1 in both seconds and percent behind. Looking to go sniping. 😉
Allan P says:
Really appreciate you putting the time in to creating this site Ben…keep up the good work.