Add 3D/2D profile pictures to your Strava activity at the push of a button

Strava has long had the ability for you to add photos to your activities to provide a much more engaging account of your day for your friends as well as for you. On the mobile apps the “Highlight Photo” is shown in place of the map in the activity feeds making your ride/run stand out from the list.  Previously the process of getting a VeloViewer 3D or 2D profile picture onto your activity was fairly laborious but now you can click a button and it will magically appear.

When you visit your own activities on VeloViewer you will see a new “Add profile to activity” button at the top right of the 3D profile tab:

Pressing this will create an image with the perfect dimensions for Strava of the current view (e.g. using the chosen markers) and upload it for you.  Simple!  Make sure you spin the profile to get it’s best viewing angle first.

You can of course also do the same for 2D profiles as well.

Your images will have been attached to your Activity and will appear in your own timeline and those of your friend (see top image).  If you have other images already on your activity then it will be added to the end so you’d need to head into the Strava app on your phone/tablet to choose the profile as the “Highlight Photo”.

I don’t have any plans to attempt to automate the adding of these images as it requires you to find the best viewing options first.


0 thoughts on “Add 3D/2D profile pictures to your Strava activity at the push of a button

  • How did you do this? Magic?
    Seriously, you should be able to add feature which allows the user to upload a photo to an activity directly from the webpage even if they don’t have the mobile app.
    This is probably one of the most requested features!

  • Callum Sword says:

    I like it! However – I have a feeling I can only generate the 3D image from Windows (Chrome) – in OS X Safari, I get a lot of lines in various directions but no profile..

      • Hi Ian/Callum
        This is a known bug that I’m currently struggling to fix which occurs if you’ve got your map type set to the UK OS map style. They use a different map projection to OSM and Google which is messing things up a bit. I tried a quick fix a week ago but couldn’t get it to work so will need to look to do a more involved bit of re-coding to get it to work.
        If you switch your map type to anything other that OS maps and refresh the page then the profiles will all work fine.

  • Great! 🙂 What would also be cool would be a way to add an updated max square/max clump image to an activity, (maybe even a before and after) as it an activity has made a significant improvement to these scores, this helps tell the story of the activity.

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