It always surprises me how many rides and runs some people load up into Strava and the knock-on affect for VeloViewer is some slow page loads for those people concerned. Hopefully those days are now behind us! As well as improved page loading I’ve finally got round to adding the most requested feature from the Usability Survey many of your filled in earlier in the year: “Could we have one update button, one click does everything”. Well now you’ve got one!
The most obvious change you will notice will be the new “Get Everything” button on the update page. This will:
- Add any new activities.
- Check all old activities for any new segments.
- Check all of your segment placings for any changes.
If you’ve got lots of activities then this could take a fair bit of time so you’ve still got the option of just getting the new activities without needing to do the more lengthy checks.
There is also a new progress dialog box that tells you what it is up to and gives you an idea of how long you need to wait until it finishes:
For each task the update needs to perform it will tell you where it is up to and once all of the tasks are complete you will get a browser alert to tell you that it has finished. If something goes wrong with the update then you can always refresh the page and press the button again and it’ll pick up from where it left off.
There was a big database hit at the end of the old update process where it calculated your scores and summary stats. I’ve now removed this to speed things up and lessen the load on the database but that does mean that you now need to visit your summary page after each update to create and view your new score.
You will also notice that your segment placing changes are ordered nicely with the lowest placings appearing at the top.
Apart from the removing of the score and summary stats generation at the end of the update process there will be very little difference in the speed on the update side of things. All those Strava API calls will still need to be made and that is what takes the time. However page loading times for your summary, activities and segments should see a large improvement though due to some (hopefully) intelligent caching within your browser so each time you visit any of these pages it will only download any changes to your data rather than the entire dataset. I’ve done my best to show some kind of progress for the downloading of data but once that’s completed there is also a delay to process that data which has the habit of locking the browser up for a short time.
Bikes and shoes are now shown on cycling and running activities throughout the site. Hooray!
Drop in Score?
The new update process now includes a way to remove deleted segments which was always missing previously. What this also means is that and “hidden” segments on your activities will also be removed from your list which will have a knock on affect to your Score. A recent change by Strava has meant a much larger number of segments are now hidden by default. The only way to get back to where you were would be to “unhide” the segments in Strava.
There are some fairly major changes here and the code is relying on storing data in your browsers offline storage which certainly adds plenty of opportunity for bugs. I’ve done some testing in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE and Safari on the iPad and iPhone. If you find any bugs then have a look through the comments below and see if anyone has already reported it. If not then add a comment giving your Strava id (the number in the URL of your VeloViewer update page) and any details so that I can replicate and hopefully fix it.
Known issues so far:
- On segment details the history count and number of efforts doesn’t seem to match up to the number of tries listed in the segments list. The numbers shown in the list appear to be correct.
- Max speed (and hence max pace) values have been lost for some of you on your activities. The next time you check for new segments these values will be corrected. Note: you can only check for new segments and placing changes once a week for the time being to save any excessive load on the Strava API servers.
- If your signature images aren’t displaying then just visit your signature page on VeloViewer (you don’t need to do anything while there or on your forums etc.) and they should start working again.
Paul Harris says:
On the Summary Page under Segment Stats my ‘Top pos score’ is “78.68 – Telegraph Rd Climb – 68th of 318”. If I look at all my scoring segments in order that segment is below ~26 higher scoring segments. ID is 182732.
Ben says:
Good spot. Made the fix but will wait until this evening before rolling out any changes.
Benj says:
All my K/QOM positions and personal positions have disappeared from the Activities tab (ID 889963).
Ben says:
Oh yeah. A late performance improvement last night that I didn’t test properly looks to have disabled that. Easy fix though. Will be back in next update later today.
Graham Smith says:
My activites appear wrong too. (ID 1268248) – according to my summary page my max elev is 69,551,898 m and max dist is 36,182 ml. Now I’d have remembered that ride surely 😉
Plus the links to those activities don’t work – one is pointed at and that seems way too low a number… and not related to it’s actual number (
Not explored much beyond that …
nickobec says:
Had trouble with Chrome 30.0.1599.101 on a Macbook 10.6.8. Clicked the update button, nothing happened, wait 10 minutes, checked again, then used Safari which worked
Douglas_Kubler says:
The signature image does not have enough column space for 9 digit elevation and “ft ”
John Bytheway says:
Update all button does not work for me using chrome, used get new activities got everything, then went for a ride, refreshed page, it showed i had 1 ride update all still did not work, used get new activities and it got all rides again not just the 1. 1290927
Ben says:
Can you tell me the version of Chrome you are using and also your OS (inc version)?
John Bytheway says:
Tried it this morning and it worked perfectly so assumed your update fixed it. Just for your ref; Windows 7 sp1, Chrome Version 30.0.1599.101 m
Douglas_Kubler says:
Worked around sig problem by selection “blank” for the adjacent field in the next column. Multiple problems. Activities and Segments load data and run without completion (forever AFAIK) in processing. Occasionally going to other tabs produces –
insert into gear (id, athleteId, name) values (“b463745”, 497, “Accelerator”), (“b910702”, 497, “Advantage”), (“b337”, 497, “Air 9 Scandium”), (“b7678”, 497, “Carbon HT”), (“b61617”, 497, “Full suspension 29er”), (“b80845”, 497, “Kona Unit (26″) SS”), (“b1991”, 497, “Niner One 9”), (“b52672”, 497, “No Flex”), (“b137977”, 497, “Rigid SS”), (“b176183”, 497, “Scandium Special”), (“b5495”, 497, “SIR 9 (SS)”), (“b793”, 497, “Trek Madone”), (“b3834”, 497, “Ventana El Patron”) on duplicate key update name=VALUES(name)cs – Error 2b
Tony Hayden says:
My signature image has not been displayed since the upgrade, is this a known issue?
Daniel S says:
Found what appears to be a bug (same issue as Graham Smith).
My ‘Activity Stats’ list some amazing numbers for my longest ride and elevation data (My longest ride was supposedly 41,520 Ml, 225,514,780ft and 773d 08:53:14). Link shown in this section goes to activity ID “165511” (Which doesn’t exist) whereas the correct id is “66819194”. This is the same for my 2012 & 2011 data (albeit differing Ride ID’s and dist, ele and time values)
My Athlete ID: 667413
Daniel S says:
Just tested with a number of browsers which appears to be giving the same results.
Tested on:
Firefox 24.0
Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16721
Chrome 30.0.1599.101 m
Poop de Ville says:
One thing I see is that the numbers for the challenges (miles, feet, etc) shown in the trophy cabinet don’t match the actual numbers of the challenge.
Rapha Rising 2013 Veloviewer shows 24,418 feet (Goal) and 26,143 (Completed) while Strava shows 27,737 / 25,417
Train like Taylor: 31:51 / 40:24 (VV) vs 31:51 / 31:58 (Strava)
SteveM says:
I had to update everything, now I’ve got nothing, no activities at all. Going back to update tab and clicking again it says there is nothing to update.
SteveM says:
PS this is on Chrome on Ubuntu
SteveM says:
Huh works OK on Firefox (still on Ubuntu)
Ben says:
Try pressing Ctrl+F5 in Chrome on the summary page. If that doesn’t work then press the little refresh button next to the main heading on the summary page.
David King says:
I pressed to update everything and now all but about 20 of my segments are not showing any data other than the name, no positioning at all.
Badger says:
Hi Ben, just did the major update, looks like all but 50 of my 1100+ segments are full of NaN values, activities and summary tabs just give a no data error (Firefox 24).
will try again later
lukwe says:
everything seems fine aside from tries: 0 on all my segments
Guest says:
It hasn’t seemed to pull all my activities over completely, i.e they’re in my activities list but not in my segment list correctly, example is this activity and the segment with that link is not correct in the segment list. Not sure how that has happening. User id is 370579 if you want to have a look. Cheers
Ben says:
Can you look again? I ran an update on you data just to make sure but it didn’t pick anything else up and I can see that segment in your list ok. Is there something specific about it that was wrong or was it that it didn’t appear at all?
Joaquim Ramalho says:
I think there is a bug with the history tab in each segment. The order of the rides seems to be random. Check for example Because of this, the positions that appear in the Activities tab in the fields “Segment PRs (K/QOM positions)” and “All segments (personal positions)” are not correct. I am using Chrome.
David Rowlett says:
Just uploaded my activities and found that my bike details were not against and my rides. Corrected in Strava but the update has not brought them in. Is this possible to correct or remove all activities and reload?
Ben says:
It will pick up the new bike details automatically when you next check for new segments (but that can only be done every 10 days). The way to do it immediately is to go into each activity and hit the “Update activity” link on the summary tab. I might well be disabling the ability to re-upload for a period of time if you use the delete button to stop people hammering the site.
David Rowlett says:
Many thanks Ben – wanted to avoid deleting so not to import all again and put load on the servers. Have updated and all good thanks.
David Lobley says:
Hi – can you tell me how to delete a “rogue” activity showing in 1999 in Veloviewer ? – its been deleted in Strava but “Update All” doesnt seem to clear it from Veloviwer
Ben says:
Just visiting the update page should remove it. You might then need to hit the refresh button next to the main heading on your Summary to ensure it’s been cleared from your local storage.
David Lobley says:
just tried that – unfortunately no success !
Ben says:
what is the id of the activity? You can get this from the URL when visiting the activity details page.
Clement Riche says:
Hi, i have some rogue activities that do not update/disapear too, ids: 165431945, 172079238, 167115357, 165050527 (this is some activities i have re-uploaded for artifact correction).
Kostas says:
I have the same problem. I deleted some old activities on Strava, but they still remain on Veloviewer.
Ben says:
Can you check #5 on the FAQ and if you still see the activities in VeloViewer then let me know the Activity Ids.
Clement – I checked those 4 ids and none of them are in my system so just make sure you hit that refresh button to clear your local storage.