Strava Club & Friend Yearly Distance/Elevation Leaderboards

Who in your Strava cycling/running/swimming club has put down the most distance or climbing over the year? VeloViewer’s yearly leaderboards for whole array of different metrics might be just the ticket to finding out.  Pick any of your Strava clubs or the list of people you follow to see year or all-time leaderboards for all of the key metrics.

Important note: Only data from users that use VeloViewer will be shown so encourage your club-mates to sign up to VeloViewer PRO and sync their data to feature in the leaderboards. The data is only as up-to-date as their last sync.

You’ll find the “Club & Overall Yearly Leaderboards” button near the top of your Summary page:

The overall distributions and leaderboards for all VeloViewer users are shown first and are described in this previous blog post and provide a great way to benchmark your progress against other people.

Club Leaderboard

Clicking on the “Clubs” tab provides you with a drop down of the Strava clubs which you are a member of, pick one of those and it’ll load the first leaderboard:

Note that some clubs are rather large (at the time of writing the GCN club has over 28,000 members) so it might take 30s or so to initially load up for those larger clubs.  The leaderboards are cached once loaded and will only be updated every 6 hours.

Available Leaderboards

All leaderboards are available for the current year along with for all time and also can be broken down from all activity types to just view cycling, running or swimming leaderboards.  For each of those you can then view the leaderboard by the following stats:

  • Distance
  • Elevation – take this one with a pinch of salt as it can be subject to error for numerous reasons
  • Time – moving time, not elapsed time
  • VeloViewer Score – explained in full here but basically the best PR performances relative to the number of other people on each leaderboard
  • Eddington (mile) – the true Eddington number, the maximum number E such that the cyclist has cycled E miles on E days (I’ll explain this in more detail in a future blog post)
  • Eddington (km)
  • Eddington (minutes)
  • Eddington (climbing m x20)
  • Explorer (tiles) – more details here
  • Explorer (max square)- more details here
  • K-Index – similar to the Eddington number but using the number of Kudos you’ve received

Friends Leaderboard

The friends leaderboard shows the list of all the people you follow on Strava that are using VeloViewer. All the same leaderboard options are available:

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