Totals Distributions and Leaderboards

VeloViewer’s Summary page is overflowing with your activity totals and scores over the years and you can set your own goals and easily monitor your progress.  But many times I have been asked to see how those totals and scores compare to other VeloViewer users. Now you can.

Totals and Scores Included

View leaderboards and distributions by clicking the “Leaderboads” button on your Summary page.

  • Total distance.
  • Total Elevation.
  • Total moving time.
  • VeloViewer Score.
  • Eddington (miles).
  • Eddington (km).
  • Explorer Score.
  • Explorer Score – Max Square.
  • K-Index.
  • Streaks (coming soon).

Data is available for the current year and for all time although, obviously, people’s totals for all time will be influenced by how long they’ve been uploading data to Strava.

Also data is available for both Ride and Run only as well as for all data. It is interesting to see how the distribution shapes can vary between the disciplines.


For each distribution you will see your own current value, its relative position in the population  as well as the upper and lower quartile and median.  These are all represented graphically on the chart with the red line being your own position.


The first 20 places of each combination is available to view as a leaderboard.  This probably means you won’t see yourself in the list but seeing as the data behind the distributions and leaderboards has only recently begun to be captured the seasonal nature of usage of VeloViewer your absolute position in any leaderboard will most likely be changing on an hourly basis, and always for the worse. But the relative position (i.e. the % position) should remain fairly static and be a much better indication of your performance compared to others.

Friend/Club Leaderboards

This is on the to-do list showing the full leaderboard (not restricted to 20) of you and your club-mates or your Strava connections.

0 thoughts on “Totals Distributions and Leaderboards

  • Javier Zelaya says:

    Hello, we are just starting to use strava Club, and we want to integrate in our web site a wifget that meustre the accumulated kilometers and data of the club strava

  • Stephan van Hienen says:


    Any info when the streaks info is coming to the leaderboards ? / Or info on the summary page on the current and max streak ?
    It looks like you can only view the max streak on the infographic image, but this has a maximum of 1 year ?

    • The calendar view on the Summary page is the best place to view Streak info. I’m not sure if it works across multiple years though. If you are able to email me with a link to your Summary page then I can take a look.

  • Why are some people on the leader board in red [clickable] and some are not? I want to be able to see friends squares

    • Names in red are the ones who have chosen to make their VeloViewer data public in the Options section of their Update page (private activities are of course still not visible to other people).

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